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Is Your Dog An Angry Teenager? Tips for Pet Parents

Navigating Puppyhood’s Stages

The Rollercoaster of Puppyhood

Embark on a fascinating journey through puppyhood, where each stage presents a new adventure filled with growth, learning, and a dash of rebellion. Understanding these developmental phases is crucial for nurturing a well-rounded and well-behaved adult dog.

The Stages of Puppyhood

  • Neonatal Period (0-2 Weeks): Completely dependent on their mother, puppies gradually develop their senses and start to explore their world.
  • Transitional Period (2-4 Weeks): This stage sees puppies becoming more interactive with their surroundings, as they open their eyes and begin to hear.
  • Socialization Period (4-12 Weeks): A key time for learning social cues, bite inhibition, and exploring. Positive experiences are crucial for healthy development.
  • Juvenile Period (3-6 Months): Featuring rapid physical growth and increased independence, this stage may see puppies beginning to test limits. Consistent training and understanding are essential.
  • Adolescent Period (6-18 Months): Marked by hormonal changes and a push for independence, it’s a vital time for reinforcing good habits and addressing undesirable ones.

The Fear Period (8-10 Weeks): A Sensitive Phase

At this time, puppies are especially sensitive. Hence, negative experiences can have lasting impacts. It’s paramount to approach this period with gentle guidance and positive reinforcement.

Recognizing the ‘Angry Teenager’ Phase

  • ❓ Does your dog exhibit selective hearing, especially with commands?
  • ❓ Have your walks become battles of wills?
  • ❓ Is bedtime turning into a nightly negotiation?
  • ❓ Has your dog suddenly outgrown their toys?
  • ❓ Are distractions now more interesting to your dog than your commands?
  • ❓ Does your pup show fluctuating social tendencies, from being outgoing to withdrawn?
  • ❓ Have they developed escape artist skills?
  • ❓ Is your furniture now under the rule of your canine?
  • ❓ Has your dog become a critic of their meals?
  • ❓ Do you find yourself on the receiving end of ‘the look’ when asking for obedience?

Recognizing these behaviors as part of the ‘Angry Teenager’ phase is crucial. Remember, with patience, training, and a sense of humor, you’ll both emerge stronger!

Conclusion: Guiding Your Puppy Through Its Development

Understanding each stage, consistent training, and patience, along with positive reinforcement, are key strategies across all stages to foster desirable behavior and address challenges.

Here are some ✨things✨ that might be useful on that journey

Catching your pup’s subtle potty signals can be tough, but potty training bells make it easier. Training your dog to use them is surprisingly simple – I did it by just tapping the bells with my leg every time we went out. There are lots of YouTube tutorials on this, too. Here’s the link.

Traditional potty training pads create loads of non-recyclable waste, which always bugged me. As soon as I discovered these reusable ones, I made the switch.

To navigate the teething phase, you need two things: cold celery and a freezer-safe, heavy-duty rubber toy. This smaller version of the classic Kong is a tested option and is also extremely adorable. Fill it with peanut butter or thick broth, freeze it, and offer it as a cool puzzle activity that alleviates teething discomfort.

The sleeping buddy is more effective than I initially thought. The combination of a heartbeat sound and a heating pad acts like a literal sleeping charm. It’s a great tool to train your puppy to sleep through the night in their bed.


  • ● If the thought of slogging through a 300-page manual just to ensure your dog doesn’t turn your house upside down while you’re out doesn’t appeal to you, 📖 here’s your solution. This concise guide is less than 40 pages, super affordable, and has helped thousands.
  • ● Hill’s Pet ‘Puppy Timeline’: Outlines key milestones in a puppy’s development, including the critical fear period.
  • ● The Happy Puppy Site’s ‘Puppy Development Stages’: Offers a week-by-week guide to physical and mental development stages in puppies.
  • ● Purina’s ‘Puppy Development by Week’: Focuses on the first year of a puppy’s life, detailing significant growth and developmental stages.


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